The Lennertz Six
A place for me to write about the happenings in our very fun and busy life!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Learning from Matthew
Oh how I love this little man.
It was the last day of our James Bible study yesterday. And as part of the program for the day, they had the kids come and sing for us. We were all so excited because kids are just cute, and it's so fun to watch kids perform. They do such funny things :)
I saw Kathryn come in first, and she was so sweet, following her friends and trying to do everything just right as she was waiting for everyone to line up and the music to start. I waved to her and she smiled at me and then focused again. And then Matthew filed into the front line. He scanned the crowd and then.... he saw me. Matthew then started telling everyone "LOOK! IT'S MY MOMMY", or "LOOK! I SEE MY MOMMY!" He was so excited. He was pointing at me and waving at me.. and telling his friends... his teachers.. and anyone that could hear him that I was his Mommy.
Of course people turned to look at me... they couldn't help it.:)
They started to sing, boys were jumping. Kathryn was singing just right. Matthew turned around and watched everyone. Then he started jumping. Kids tried to grab the microphone.. it was typical adorable kid singing time. After it was over the kids gave us a craft they made and a hug and went back to their class. They asked parents to raise their hands. You know.. I didn't really need to raise my hand. EVERYONE knew who Matthew's mommy was.
I came home with the typical mommy feelings of "my kid is so cute"... and so incredibly blessed because he so obviously loves me! But there was more, too. I couldn't stop thinking about it. See, we were there to watch the kids perform. But Matthew couldn't stop pointing me out.
I want to be like that about Jesus! If ever I am singing, teaching, or just in daily life.. it shouldn't be me that everyone is watching.. or that others notice. I should be so in love with Jesus that all I do is to point to Jesus. I want to be like Matthew saying "LOOK everyone! There's Jesus!"
I could go on and on about how that looks. I should live my life right so that my life reflects him... I try but so obviously mess up sometimes. Thankfully the Lord is full of mercy and grace and forgives us for that. These are some verses that are pressing on my heart;
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17.
James 1: 22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.
Today I am so blessed.. as I think of the lesson I learned from my little boy. May I be SO in love with my Savior that everything I do points to Him. May I not forget what I have heard and know, so that my life reflects Christ. So that others cannot help but look towards my Father.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Halloween, 2011
Whatever. he didn't want to. But here is a rundown of what we DID do :)
William: Decided to be Peter from Narnia. Last year I picked up the armor costume on sale somewhere, so he wore that and a pair of pants. He made a shield out of wood (With help from his Uncle Johnny), and painted it red. He made a sword completely on his own. These made the perfect accessories to his Peter Costume. He wore it all day at school, through their Storybook parade, and then again at night.
Joshua decided to be Darth Maul. This was an easy costume to put together. The only thing I bought was some red and black face paint. First, I had him put on a Batman costume (the black one) Then I put on one of Wes' short sleeve Black dress shirts. I cut two long strips of material from an old black thermal shirt. One for the 'belt tie', big enough to gather... the other to wrap down like a stole. He wore a pair of black gloves and I painted his face. The effect was awesome. Although. I would have made or bought a double bladed red saber.. I just had him use the red one we had because we totally ran out of time. At night he didn't even want to bring it because "It wasn't right". Oh my, 6 years old and already a diehard Star Wars fan. I also didn't have strong enough gel to form and hold the hair as horns on his head.. boo. Anyway. Pictures!
Notice that I painted his whole head. He hair is STILL a bit red. |
He's "seething" ha ha |
Kathryn loves the movie Tangled. I do too! It's so good. Anyway. I started making her a Rapunzel dress for her birthday last February. (!) But never finished it because....I just didn't. boo. I promised her I would finish it for Halloween, though. The details weren't yet done for the boy's parade in the morning, but I finished it in the afternoon. She was SOOO Excited and wore it that night when we went to a festival at church.
Isn't it pretty!? I basically followed this tutorial to make your own pattern. And then added all of the details so it would be as close to Rapunzel's dress (from the movie) as possible. I just love the sweetness the lace adds. I honestly was frustrated that it took me this long to actually sit down and finish the dress.. she loves it so much. Here are some more pics of Kathryn:
Matthew was the easiest of all. My friend let me borrow a puppy costume, and he loved it. I just put it on him and he started crawling around barking.. being silly. He talked in a baby voice and insisted that his siblings call him puppy. Loved it :)
Kathryn and Matthew at the morning Storybook parade at school. Notice Kathryn is Belle here because I hadn't finished the Rapunzel dress yet. |
I had a costume dress in lavender that I wore too. I went as "Rapunzel's mom" the queen. We both wore crowns from the costume bin. Wes didn't dress up this year.
The only pic of us together that night! I'm making faces but I guess I must always! ha ha |
I love costumes... and it really feels like playing with the kids. We always love having the chance to go to our church's festival too.. lots of games for candy and bounce houses and fun things to do..
Last weekend
A whirlwind of activity last weekend.
Friday was devoted to the memorial services for Wesley's Grandpa.
That evening, Grandpa and Grandma Lennertz blessed us by sending us off to a movie while they took care of the kids! We got to see Courageous. which was an amazing movie. After the emotional day it was especially moving I think. I laughed until I cried and then I just cried. So good!!
Saturday, we were able to go to the San Diego Zoo with our friends. What a treat!! We spent the day seeing animals, chasing our kids and even got to see a Pangolin (one of the only ones in captivity).
Matthew ended up INSIDE the fence with the Pangolin and the zookeeper. He also disappeared for a minute because he climbed into a helicopter. Scared me to death, but he was happy.
On the way back from the zoo, Wes and I were laughing so hard because our kids suddenly were in a musical. Kathryn was singing about princesses and ponies and God and everything she likes. Then she sang about how she didn't like games or Pokemon. William pipes in and sings back to her about how she SHOULD like those things because they are so fun. Our *cough* stubborn little girl stood her ground singing about how she doesn't like them. Then Matthew Joined in singing "I LIKE T-REX" over and over again. I desperately wish we recorded the whole thing, ha ha. You may have needed to be there, but it was so funny I never want to forget it. :)
We continued our day of fun with Pizza, a kid movie and a couple rounds of Blokus with our friends. Thanks Jonathon and Janet for a wonderful day :)
Friday was devoted to the memorial services for Wesley's Grandpa.
That evening, Grandpa and Grandma Lennertz blessed us by sending us off to a movie while they took care of the kids! We got to see Courageous. which was an amazing movie. After the emotional day it was especially moving I think. I laughed until I cried and then I just cried. So good!!
Saturday, we were able to go to the San Diego Zoo with our friends. What a treat!! We spent the day seeing animals, chasing our kids and even got to see a Pangolin (one of the only ones in captivity).
Matthew ended up INSIDE the fence with the Pangolin and the zookeeper. He also disappeared for a minute because he climbed into a helicopter. Scared me to death, but he was happy.
On the way back from the zoo, Wes and I were laughing so hard because our kids suddenly were in a musical. Kathryn was singing about princesses and ponies and God and everything she likes. Then she sang about how she didn't like games or Pokemon. William pipes in and sings back to her about how she SHOULD like those things because they are so fun. Our *cough* stubborn little girl stood her ground singing about how she doesn't like them. Then Matthew Joined in singing "I LIKE T-REX" over and over again. I desperately wish we recorded the whole thing, ha ha. You may have needed to be there, but it was so funny I never want to forget it. :)
We continued our day of fun with Pizza, a kid movie and a couple rounds of Blokus with our friends. Thanks Jonathon and Janet for a wonderful day :)
Our Grandpa Bill
Wesley's Grandpa Bill passed away on October 15, 2011. We remember him with so much fondness and love. I remember him as funny, generous, kind. He had a playful spirit.. always telling stories and making people laugh. He had a way of making you feel comfortable and you never knew what he was going to say next. (The first time he met me he called me 'The Viking Lady"). Our William was named in his honor, as his first great-grandchild.
It was a wonderful time spent with family this last Friday as we celebrated and remembered Grandpa Bill Obituary We also were able to participate in a moving military send off at Riverside NationalCemetery.
We will hold memories of him in our hearts and share them with our kids.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (NIV)
Friday, October 14, 2011
R2D2 cake, Star Wars
So my William turned 8. Seriously? For his birthday he just wanted a fun cake and a party with family. He went back and forth about what cake he wanted, because he wanted me to put everything he liked on one cake. After visions of a robot spinning a beyblade, playing sports and wielding a light saber... I gently suggested something a little more do-able and offered to make a model of R2D2 from Star Wars. And it took! (Whew!)
So to start, my friend helped me figure things out and she and her husband made a stand like the one we used for the Tangled Tower Cake. I baked a lot of cake... six inch rounds for the body, a 1/2 ball pan for the domed head, and two 9 x 13's to cut the legs out of. The cake was a basic 'Funfetti' mix that I doctored to make it more tasty... the filling chocolate, and covered in marshmallow fondant.
After I filled, stacked and frosted the cakes, I covered it all with fondant... then added details. I totally cheated though. Silver is a hard color to get. You can get a gray easily enough, but to get the silver look you have to literally paint it... so I used some foil for the details, and added details to the silver pan to put on his head. It's for my boy, so I'm allowed to cheat, right? :)
The ball pan I used.. Isn't it a pretty silver? lol |
Anyway, here's some pics of the process and the cake:
I cut the 'leg' shape out of cardboard first, then cut the cake to match it and add some indentations |
Covered the whole thing (cardboard too) w/fondant. Then made all details, attaching them w/ piping gel |
So we covered the board w/foil. Added details to cake, w/ the details on the pan (LOL) |
I wanted something to put candles in.. so Bety helped me make a wrench, some screws and bolts. And yes.. they all have detail work on them. |
Top looking down. |
Bringing it to the birthday boy. It was big.. but not ridiculous big :) |
And the reward for making this is right there! |
Stars Wars! |
See! It really is cake! I just took off the pan/head.. the kids ate off the details :) |
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